Package-level declarations


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data class AuthenticateResponse(val redirectUrl: String, val message: String? = null, var passkeyBindingToken: String? = null)

A response returned after successfully authenticating.

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data class AuthenticationContext(val authUrl: String, val application: AuthenticationContext.Application, val origin: AuthenticationContext.Origin)

Information associated with the current authentication request returned from getAuthenticationContext.

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data class BindPasskeyResponse(val passkey: Passkey, val postBindingRedirectUri: String? = null)

A response returned after successfully binding a passkey to a device.

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data class Identity(val id: IdentityId, val displayName: String, val username: String, val primaryEmailAddress: String?)

Identity information associated with a Passkey. An Identity is a unique identifier that may be used by an end-user to gain access governed by Beyond Identity. An Identity is created at the Realm level. An end-user may have multiple identities. A Realm can have many Identities.

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typealias IdentityId = String

The The unique identifier of the Identity.

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typealias KeyHandle = String

Associated key handle.

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typealias OnSelectedPasskey = (PasskeyId?) -> Unit
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data class OtpChallengeResponse(val url: String)

A response returned if the SDK requires an OTP.

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data class Passkey(val id: PasskeyId, val passkeyId: String, val localCreated: String, val localUpdated: String, val apiBaseUrl: String, val keyHandle: KeyHandle, val state: State, val created: String, val updated: String, val tenant: Tenant, val realm: Realm, val identity: Identity, val theme: Theme)

A Universal Passkey is a public and private key pair. The private key is generated, stored, and never leaves the user’s devices’ hardware root of trust (i.e. Secure Enclave). The public key is sent to the Beyond Identity cloud. The private key cannot be tampered with, viewed, or removed from the device in which it is created unless the user explicitly indicates that the trusted device be removed. Passkeys are cryptographically linked to devices and an Identity. A single device can store multiple passkeys for different users and a single Identity can have multiple passkeys.

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typealias PasskeyId = String

The Globally unique ID of a passkey.

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data class Realm(val id: RealmId, val displayName: String)

Realm information associated with a Passkey. A Realm is a unique administrative domain within a Tenant. Some Tenants will only need the use of a single Realm, in this case a Realm and a Tenant may seem synonymous. Each Realm contains a unique set of Directory, Policy, Event, Application, and Branding objects.

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typealias RealmId = String

The The unique identifier of the Realm.

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sealed class RedeemOtpResponse

A response returned after successfully authenticating.

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enum State : Enum<State>

State of a given Passkey.

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data class Tenant(val id: TenantId, val displayName: String)

Tenant information associated with a Passkey. A Tenant represents an organization in the Beyond Identity Cloud and serves as a root container for all other cloud components in your configuration.

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typealias TenantId = String

The The unique identifier of the Tenant.

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data class Theme(val logoLightUrl: String, val logoDarkUrl: String, val supportUrl: String)

Theme associated with a Passkey.